Paper Trail

Num Title Authors Year PDF HTML Actions
1 Recent progress in alkaline water electrolysis for hydrogen production and applications Kai Zeng, Dongke Zhang 2009 PDF HTML Edit Pages
2 Prospects for alkaline zero gap water electrolysers for hydrogen production Derek Pletcher, Xiaohong Li 2011 PDF HTML Edit Pages
3 Energy Science, Engineering and Technology : High Temperature Electrolysis in Large-Scale Hydrogen Production Bo, Yu, Jingming, Xu 2010 View Edit
4 Electrochemical performance of porous Ni3Al electrodes for hydrogen evolution reaction Hongxing Dong, Ting Leia, Yuehui He, Nanping Xu, Baiyun Huang, C.T. Liu 2011 PDF HTML Edit Pages
5 Hydrogen evolution reaction on Ni-AI electrodes P. Los, A. Rami, A. Lasia 1993 PDF HTML Edit Pages
6 Electrodeposition of hierarchically structured three-dimensional nickel–iron electrodes for efficient oxygen evolution at high current densities Xunyu Lu, Chuan Zhao 2015 PDF HTML Edit Pages
7 Design Criteria, Operating Conditions, and Nickel–Iron Hydroxide Catalyst Materials for Selective Seawater Electrolysis Fabio Dionigi, Tobias Reier, Zarina Pawolek, Manuel Gliech, and Peter Strasser 2015 PDF HTML Edit Pages
8 Identifying active surface phases for metal oxide electrocatalysts: a study of manganese oxide bi-functional catalysts for oxygen reduction and water oxidation catalysis Hai-Yan Su, Yelena Gorlin, Isabela C. Man, Federico Calle-Vallejo, Jens K. Nørskov, Thomas F. Jaramillo, Jan Rossmeisl 2012 PDF HTML Edit Pages
9 An Investigation of Thin-Film Ni − Fe Oxide Catalysts for the Electrochemical Evolution of Oxygen Mary W. Louie, Alexis T. Bell 2013 PDF HTML Edit Pages